1.) https://www.html5canvastutorials.com
What I really liked about this website was the amount of tutorials it featured. It had everything you would need to know, and all of the information is organized. It has links to each main element such as text, line, and shape. Under each of these main headings there are links to show you had to do specific things with each element.
2.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO6OkltgudE
This tutorial was interesting because the creator found ways to keep the audience engaged. He put music in the background and added different colors that made the video more appealing. The tutorial started with the basics first and showed each step through screen recording. This makes following the tutorial a lot easier for the audience.
3.) https://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_canvas.asp
This website featured many different tutorials. I found these helpful because they showed an example followed by a code that would be used to make that specific element. The site also has a "try it yourself" link that allows you to practice using and manipulating the code.
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